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Poly Pack invites you to our annual Egg Drop Competition sponsored by Pregis! On Thursday May 9th at 6:00PM, during San Luis Obispo Farmers’ Market, Contestants shall design and build a container that will prevent an uncooked chicken egg (Grade-AA Large) from breaking when dropped from a height of 30 feet. There are two divisions to this contest, the details of which are mentioned below.
Contestants are free to come up with their own designs. Any material may be used in the design, as long as the structure meets the Design and Contest Rules as outlined below. Eggs will be provided; contestants may not bring their own egg.
Contestants will be provided a kit with contents to construct their egg drop container after arriving at the corner of Higuera and Chorro street. Competitors may only use the items in their kit to design their structure. Eggs will be provided; contestants may not bring their own egg.
The following are the prizes awarded to each Division:
1st PLACE: $350
2nd PLACE: $250
3rd PLACE: $100
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Arrive at the corner of Higuera and Chorro street during San Luis Obispo Farmers’ Market on Thursday May 9th at 6:00PM.
Teams of one or two people may enter one package of their own design and fabrication.
The container must be less than 512 cubic inches in volume (an 8” x 8” x 8” cube), with no dimension longer than 8 inches.
The maximum weight, including the egg, should not exceed 1 pound.
No kits or pre-made designs may be used. The structure must be the individual’s or team’s invention.
The structure must be completely released (no strings or other attachments).
The structure must land in a designated target area (a 4′ x 4′ area marked out).
No propulsion systems will be allowed.
No gases (e.g. helium) other than air can be present in the structure when it is weighed.
No high viscosity fluids are allowed (peanut butter, jelly, etc.).
No sharp objects or hazardous materials are permitted.
No liquids or anything that will splatter (other than the egg!).
No parachutes or design components acting as a parachute (i.e. a bag attached to the top of the structure).
Volume will be calculated based on the rectangular prism (length x width x depth) of the container’s exterior surface.
Judges must be able to place the egg in the container or remove it without damage in a maximum time of 30 seconds.
The package entries will not be returned, upon entry they become the property of Poly Pack. For sanitary reasons, event organizers will dispose of all packages and eggs after the contest.
Failure to abide by these rules may lead to disqualification.
The egg must be placed into the container on-site. Judges must be able to place the egg in the container or remove it without damage in a maximum time of 30 seconds. Exceeding these time limits may lead to disqualification.
If the egg is damaged during placement/removal within the container, the team may be disqualified.
Once an egg is weighed in with the structure/package, that egg cannot be exchanged with another.
The egg must be undamaged after the drop in order for the score value to be recorded. The egg is considered damaged if any cracks (fissures, splits, breaks) appear on the surface of the egg, particularly with multiple points of intersection, or if internal fluids are escaping from the shell.
Participants are eligible for prizes for finishing in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
The final score and breakdown will be based on the equation to determine the winners:
Score = (100,000) / [(total mass (ounces)) x (volume (in3)) x (time of fall (sec))]
For more information, please contact our Egg Drop Coordinators:
Maya Lojo - mlojo@calpoly.edu
Ella Crespo - egcrespo@calpoly.edu