NOTE: Deadline to register for symposium is Friday, Feb 14th, 5:00 pm (PT). Onsite registration is available on the day of symposium
Who Should Attend
Package Development Engineers, Managers and Directors
Marketing Managers and Executives
Packaging Materials, Machinery, Service and Solution Providers
Packaging Consultants
Projects Managers
R&D Managers from CPG and Converter Companies
Packaging Students
Sponsorship Supports Poly Pack Student Packaging Club
The sponsorship funds collected will go directly to the Poly Pack club account. These funds are used to support club and symposium operations costs and fund student travel to packaging industry sites.
Sponsorship Levels
Platinum - $2,250
Gold - $1,750
Silver - $1,000
Registration Pricing
Regular symposium registration - $450
Student symposium registration – free
Banquet registration - $70
Student banquet registration - $20
Sponsorship Benefits
With a sponsored amount of $2250, your company will receive three tickets to the event and three complimentary tickets to banquet. In addition, placement of your company logo on the PolyPack Website and recognition at specific events. We welcome a pull-up banner to be placed in the presentation hall. As a platinum sponsor, you will be provided an exclusive reserved table at the banquet. This will provide you the opportunity to network with a minimum of five packaging students.
With a donation of $1750, your company will receive two tickets to the event, the placement of a logo on the PolyPack Website, recognition at specific events, and two banquet tickets. We welcome a pull-up banner to be placed in the presentation hall. As a gold sponsor, you will be provided a reserved table at the banquet. This will provide you the opportunity to network with a minimum of four packaging students.
With a donation of $1000, your company will receive one ticket to the event, the placement of logo on the PolyPack Website, recognition at specific events, and one banquet ticket. We welcome a pull-up banner to be placed in the presentation hall. As a silver sponsor, you will be provided a reserved table at the banquet. This will provide you the opportunity to network with a minimum of three packaging students.
Shipping Instructions for Sponsors
For shipping pull-up banners and any promotional material please ship to the address shown below.
Your items will be transferred to the venue.
Attention: Sponsor ‘s First Name, Last Name
Building 21 Rm 013, Engineering West,
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. California, CA 93407
For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact…
Symposium Directors:
Zach Han
Phoebe Liu
Liv Peterson